Mountain Misfits

Mountain Misfits

Wild Horse Island Hike: Exploring a Montana Gem

Wild Horse Island

Discover the Wild Horse Island hike in Montana’s Flathead Lake. Explore diverse terrains, encounter native wildlife, and enjoy breathtaking views on this unique day-use trail. Perfect for hikers of all levels.

Hiking Up, Over, and Through – Muddy Creek Canyon

Muddy Creek Canyon

An unforgettable journey through Muddy Creek Canyon, a hidden gem in Montana’s Rocky Mountain Front. Discover towering slot canyons, a stunning waterfall, and tips for safe wilderness exploration in our comprehensive guide to this breathtaking June hike.

Winter Hiking to Jerry Johnson Hot Springs, Idaho

Radd getting dressed at Jerry Johnson Hot Springs

Discover the serene beauty of Jerry Johnson Hot Springs through our latest blog post. Nestled in Idaho’s wilderness, this hidden gem offers a unique blend of natural scenery and soothing hot springs. Our journey takes you from the picturesque Lochsa River to the tranquil waters of the springs, providing an immersive experience in nature’s embrace. Ideal for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers, this post captures the essence of a rejuvenating escape in the heart of the forest.

Mud Warriors: Aihualama Trail Adventure with Vida

Mud Warrior Vida

Mud Warriors: Aihualama Trail Adventure with Vida admin December 29, 2023 The morning sun kissed the emerald peaks of the Koolau Range, casting a warm glow over the lush landscape as Vida and I set out on the Aihualama Trail in Oahu. Towering banyan trees and vibrant tropical flowers greeted us at the trailhead, whispering […]

Harry’s Ridge Hike: A Scenic Odyssey in the Shadow of Mount St. Helens

Harry’s Ridge Hike: A Scenic Odyssey in the Shadow of Mount St. Helens admin December 26, 2023 May 18, 1980, unleashed the long-dormant wrath of Mount St. Helens in a cataclysmic eruption that reverberated through the annals of geological history. This stratovolcano, nestled in the Cascade Range of Washington state, had been dormant for over […]

Hiking and Birding along the Makiki Valley Trail on Oahu

The Makiki Valley Loop Trail near Waikiki on Oahu, Hawaii, offers a picturesque escape into lush forests just a short distance from the bustling tourist hub. The trail, approximately 4 miles in length, provides a serene experience with green surroundings, natural tree arches, and the soothing sound of running water. The trail starts at the Hawaii Nature Center in Makiki, accessible within a short drive or bus ride from Waikiki.