When Wilderness Camping Becomes a Gamble

When Wilderness Camping Becomes a Gamble admin December 5, 2023 Remember when obtaining a wilderness permit for Glacier National Park was simply a matter of walking into a ranger station when an available site on a first-come, first-served basis? Oh for the good old days. In the last few years, you have to log into […]
Hiking the Napali Coast Trail to Hanakapi’ai Beach

Hiking the Napali Coast Trail to Hanakapi’ai Beach admin November 27, 2023 What a treat it was to explore the Napali Coast Trail with Vida, and we were primed for an adventure along Kauai’s rugged northwest shore. Towering cliffs, lush valleys, and hidden beaches beckoned, and our destination was Hanakapi’ai Beach. This journey was not […]
Amazing hike up Bass Creek with Haines

Any day spent hiking along the rushing waters of Bass Creek is truly a day well spent. This hike is definitely in our local patch, and we traveled up this drainage what seems like hundreds of times. On this occasion, I was joined by Haines, and we went to the boundary of the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness Area for a total mileage of slightly over 5 miles. The sun was intense (even caught a bit of a sunburn) as the temperatures soared into the 40s.
Pengelly Ridge – Don’t Take It for Granite

Pengelly Ridge – Don’t Take It for Granite admin January 18, 2023 Hiking Botanizing Fall Edition Curlycup Gumweed – Grindelia squarrosa White Heath Aster – Symphyotrichum ericoides
Hiking under Arenal Volcano

Hiking under Arenal Volcano admin March 11, 2022 Costa Rica 2022,Hiking,Travel In the afternoon, we decided on an easy hike on a dry January day. Lucky for us the Arenal Volcano Trail was right down the road from the Arenal Observatory. We started out on Sendero Las Coladas and turned right onto Sendero La Ceiba. […]
Hiking on the Golden Needle trail to Lupine Lake, Flathead National Forest

Hiking on the Golden Needle trail to Lupine Lake, Flathead National Forest admin November 23, 2021 Hiking 2021 What a beautiful day for a beautiful hike up to Lupine Lake, a place neither of us has ever been. Looking at the whole handy-dandy AllTrails, the hike is a quick and easy 5.7 mile out and […]
Aiming for Gunsight Lake – Glacier National Park

Aiming for Gunsight Lake – Glacier National Park admin November 22, 2021 Hiking 2021 It all started with a downhill…actually one and a quarter miles of downhill to the St. Mary River. What’s the old saying about the trail that goes down must come up…or something like that. We started our planned 13-mile hike to […]
Hiking the Dragon’s Tail – Glacier National Park

Hiking the Dragon’s Tail – Glacier National Park admin November 20, 2021 Uncategorized The screaming wind roared in our ears and shook our steps as we rounded Reynolds Mountain. There rose the narrow spine of the Dragon’s Tail from the pass we clung to. This would be our turnaround point as discretion is the better […]
Precambrian and Pleistocene Celebration – Mollman Lakes – Mission Mountains Wilderness

Precambrian and Pleistocene Celebration – Mollman Lakes – Mission Mountains Wilderness admin November 16, 2021 Hiking 2021 Summer was slipping into autumn when we clambered along Mollman Creek. The difficulty of this trail was ease be the company, including a lovable mutt named Bruno (and believe me the name is quite fitting). The views were […]
A Hike and A Skinny Dip at Hub and Hazel Lakes

A Hike and A Skinny Dip at Hub and Hazel Lakes admin July 26, 2021 Hiking,Hiking 2021 Wandering through an old forest of giant cedars, the rushing Ward Creek spills over and between boulders creating a series of small rapids and waterfalls, and this is only the beginning of our hike to Hazel and Hub […]