Mountain Misfits

Mountain Misfits

Auriscalpium vulgare: The Forest’s Miniscule Marvel

Earpick Fungus - Auriscalpium vulgare

Explore the unique aspects of Auriscalpium vulgare, also known as the earpick mushroom. Learn about its role in ecosystem health, its characteristics, and its place in the fungal kingdom. Understand why this unassuming fungus is essential for maintaining forest biodiversity.

Tremella mesenterica: The Witch’s Butter

Witch's Butter - Tremella mesenterica

Tremella mesenterica, commonly known as Witch’s Butter, is a fascinating member of the fungal order Tremellales. Its unique qualities, intricate biology, and ecological significance make it intriguing.

Bleeding Tooth Fungus – Unveiling the Enigmatic Hydnellum peckii

Bleeding Tooth Fungus – Unveiling the Enigmatic Hydnellum peckii admin November 30, 2023 Hydnellum peckii, commonly known as the Bleeding Tooth Fungus or Red-juice Tooth, stands out among the diverse array of fungi for its unique and intriguing characteristics. Hydnellum peckii belongs to the family Bankeraceae in the order Thelephorales. Found across the Northern Hemisphere, […]

Warm Springs Creek Fungi Hunting

Warm Springs Creek Fungi Hunting admin November 15, 2020 Mushrooming Just before the snow flies, the Northern Rockies see a brief flourish of fungi growth (that’s mushrooms, folks). So we hiked one of our favorite trails, Warm Springs Creek, better known as Jerry Johnson Hot Springs, As we walked under towering western red cedars, the […]